Help tend the rare prairie at the Sand Coulee SNA [FULL]

Thank you for your interest in this event – registrations are no longer being accepted as this event has reached capacity. Please consider joining us at a different upcoming event or contact Volunteer Coordinator Amy Kilgore to recieve notice of upcoming Vermillion Stewards events.
With its tall grass and wildflowers, the Sand Coulee offers a different kind of rare beauty. With less than 1 percent of Minnesota native prairie remaining, this highly protected preserve is no less than an oasis in a desert of wildlife habitat – a number of rare plant and animal species call the Coulee home. And with its deep prairie root systems, the Coulee also help filter pollutants from runoff water before it can enter the nearby Vermillion and Mississippi Rivers.
On this summer evening, volunteers will work with FMR restoration staff and ecologists to identify and help halt the spread of cow vetch, spotted knapweed, and other encroaching plants deemed by the Department of Natural Resources as a threat to the health of this important area. Together, volunteers and staff will remove the weedy invasives, helping to protect the prairie's threatened native plant species and improve wildlife habitat.
This event is part of the Vermillion Stewards program, which engages citizens in the care of the Vermillion River and its watershed and the special places within it.
As always, training, gloves, and any necessary tools will be provided. All are welcome but space is limited. Register today!
Can't Make It?
To receive notices of future Vermillion Stewards area events, contact FMR Volunteer Coordinator Amy Kilgore at Or, to receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.
The Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization, The Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, Winter Wheat, Pentair, United Way of Hastings